How to specify a DCM/rDCM
Simple DCM
In this toy example we show how to create a simple linear DCM with 3 regions. First we define the network architecture (presence and absence of connections).
using RegressionDynamicCausalModeling
using Random
a = BitMatrix([1 0 1; 1 1 0; 1 0 1])
c = BitMatrix([0 0; 1 0; 0 1])
3×2 BitMatrix:
0 0
1 0
0 1
Number of datapoints per region
scans = 300
Specify the information about driving inputs
off = zeros(100)
on = ones(100)
u = [off; on; off; on; off]
u = [u u]
u_dt = 1 / 32 # sampling interval
name = ["input1", "input2"]
U = InputU(u, u_dt, name)
U (Input)
u: 500x2 matrix
dt: 0.03125s
names: input1,...,input2
Next, we specify information about the BOLD signal
y = nothing
y_dt = 0.5 # sampling interval
name = ["region1", "region2", "region3"]
Y = BoldY(y, y_dt, name)
Y (BOLD signal)
y: empty
dt: 0.5s
names: empty
The last specification we need are the actual parameter values of the A and C matrix. In this example we generate values by sampling from the prior.
Ep = rDCM.TrueParamLinear(a, c; sample=true, rng=MersenneTwister(42))
Ep (True parameters)
A: 3 x 3 matrix
C: 3 x 2 matrix
transit: 0.00 ... 0.00
decay: 0.00 ... 0.00
epsilon: 0.00
We can now construct our linear DCM and use it for subsequent analysis
dcm = LinearDCM(a, c, scans, size(a, 1), U, Y, Ep)
Linear DCM
a: 3x3 matrix
c: 3x2 matrix
scans: 300
nr: 3
U (Input)
u: 500x2 matrix
dt: 0.03125s
names: input1,...,input2
Y (BOLD signal)
y: empty
dt: 0.5s
names: empty
Ep (True parameters)
A: 3 x 3 matrix
C: 3 x 2 matrix
transit: 0.00 ... 0.00
decay: 0.00 ... 0.00
epsilon: 0.00
It is possible to specify confounds. The following example shows how this can be done.
X0 = zeros(500, 3) # specify confound matrix (fist dimension is time, second dimension is number of confounds)
conf_names = ["conf1", "conf2", "conf3"]
conf = Confound(X0, conf_names)
X0: 500x3 matrix
names: conf1,...,conf3
Construct DCM and convert to rDCM structure
dcm = LinearDCM(a, c, scans, size(a, 1), U, Y, Ep, conf)
rdcm = RigidRdcm(dcm)
rigid rDCM
a: 3x3 matrix
c: 3x2 matrix
scans: 300
nr: 3
HRF: 500 element vector
U (Input)
u: 500x2 matrix
dt: 0.03125s
names: input1,...,input2
Y (BOLD signal)
y: empty
dt: 0.5s
names: empty
Ep (True parameters)
A: 3 x 3 matrix
C: 3 x 2 matrix
transit: 0.00 ... 0.00
decay: 0.00 ... 0.00
epsilon: 0.00
X0: 500x3 matrix
names: conf1,...,conf3
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